International theatre site-specific project during the South Specific Festival
1. – 10. 8. 2024, České Budějovice
Jižní Svéráz 2024 / South Specific 2024
A unique site-specific theatre festival combining the power of Continuo Theatre, South Bohemian Theatre and REZI.DANCE Komařice within the European Capital of Culture Budweis 2028 project.
photo Michal Hančovský
From 1 to 10 August 2024, a new site-specific project by Continuo Theatre called FOR NOW, TILL THEN, FOREVER will take place in the former post office building in Nádražní Street in České Budějovice.
Continuo Theatre’s summer site-specific projects are an annual unique theatre event in which this international group regularly revives forgotten, abandoned or unknown places in South Bohemia and transforms them into theatre stages.
Continuo’s summer projects are a phenomenon of Czech independent theatre. The continuously developed programme of movement and visual theatre is unique in the Czech Republic.
Lidovky – Jana Machalická 2021
For ten days in August, the building of the former post office will be transformed into a theatre where the creators will invite the audience to experience an evening full of surprises, unexpected encounters, art and theatre poetry in a completely unconventional theatre format.
As is typical of Continuo’s work, the script for this performance was written by the place itself – the history of the building and its genius loci. The fates of hundreds and thousands of people written in words and sentences in letters that have passed through this building will be complemented by fragments of letters by Franz Kafka and other famous personalities together with anonymous letter writers. Forgotten and never delivered parcels and fictitious letters that were never written. Unspoken, unread, untold or forgotten stories, small, seemingly insignificant events that took place against the backdrop of the big ones. The history of Europe in scraps of letters in one evening.
The 28th edition of Continuo Theatre’s international site-specific project will for the first time be part of the JIŽNÍ SVÉRÁZ / SOUTH SPECIFIC programme, a festival of site-specific and immersive theatre within the European Capital of Culture České Budějovice 2028 project. In addition to members of Continuo Theatre, about twenty invited artists from the Czech Republic and abroad – performers, dancers, musicians and artists – will collaborate in its preparation and realization.
As in previous years, this year’s performances will not lack the original theatrical practices for which these projects have become a popular cultural event. Physical proximity to the theatrical action, immersiveness in which the spectator often becomes a co-creator of the story of the performance by choice, the search for details and connections, interactivity, the joint movement of actors and spectators in space, live music, physical theatre and visual poetry. Audiences can look forward to all this and much more from 1 to 10 August in the former post office building in České Budějovice.
Koncept, režie / Concept, direction: Pavel Štourač (CZ)
Dramaturgie / Dramaturgy: Marek Turošík (SK), Anna Luňáková (CZ)
Pohybová spolupráce / Movement collaboration: Corinna Vitale (CH), Kateřina Šobáňová (CZ)
Scénografie / set design: Helena Štouračová (CZ), Pavel Štourač (CZ)
Realizace scénografie / set design implementation: Šimon Pužej (CZ), Marcela Záchenská (SK), Rozálie Švaříčková (CZ), Viktor Pavlíček (CZ), Kateřina Šustíková (CZ), Martin Janda (CZ), Jan Bartoň (CZ)
Výtvarná spolupráce / Fine art collaboration: Vít Vavřena (CZ)
Lights: Amador Artiga (ES), Vojtěch Dvořák (CZ), Josef Kostečka (CZ)
Hudba, sound design / music, sound design: Jakub Štourač (CZ), Anna Luňáková (CZ)
Sound: Adrian Linz (DE), Vojtěch Divoký (CZ)
Produkce / Production: Petr Hromek (CZ), Barbora Kocandová (CZ), Martin Mikl (CZ), Petr Špaček (CZ)
PR, média / PR,media: Zuzana Bednarčiková (CZ), komunikační tým / team of communication of Jihočeské divadlo
Sociální sítě / Social networks: Ludmila Ješutová (CZ)
Účinkují / Perform:
Granada Gallego (ES), Anna Šefrnová (CZ), Athanasia Chatzigiannaki (GR), Isabella Giampaolo (IT), Matthew Wilks (GB), Elliot Mann (GB), Anna Lisa Grebe (DE), Nuria Gimenez Villarroya (ES), Chester Wong (HK), Ainoha Méndez (ES), Elisa Tanja Bruder (CH), Mario Muñoz Alvaro (ES), Cheng-Te Chiang (TW), Zack Mallgrave (USA), Jindřich Andrýsek (CZ), Milan Špičák (CZ), Stanislav Nedvěd (CZ), Jiřina Valentová (CZ), Růžena Brejžková (CZ), Bohumila Šiveňová (CZ)
Za spolupráci na projektu dále děkujeme
We would also like to thank the following for their cooperation in the project:
Michal Hančovský, Ivan Vanko, Juraj Čiernik, Marcel Šimek, Lucie Kronusová, Daniela Mášová, Marta Novotná, Pavla Kohoutová, Markéta Krejčová, Zuzana Matajová, Aneta Kobernová, Klára Milotová, brig. gen. Luděk Procházka, Petr Valeška, Jiřina Kvasničková, Monika Veselská, Iva Peštová, Miroslava Kuchtová, Hana Pořádková, Josef Kostečka starší, Rajnoha – požární bezpečnost, Kabinet ČB, ZD Ločenice, Dopravní značení Janev, Divadlo Sud, a v neposlední řadě týmu / last but not least the team of EHMK České Budějovice 2028 and Jihočeské divadlo
Ticket prices:
Adults 390 CZK
Reduced admission 290,- (students, seniors)
ZTP 50% discount on the basic entrance fee. (The performance takes place on all 3 floors of the building and is therefore not wheelchair accessible. Persons with reduced mobility will require assistance, we will provide seating at individual stations. Wheelchair users are kindly requested to consult in advance by phone.)
The performance takes place indoors and lasts approximately 2 hours.
Beginning: 9 pm
Venue: the former post office building in Nádražní Street, České Budějovice
Petr Hromek
+420 777 875 208
Information about the performance:
The show is open to ages 12+ , contains nudity and elements of violence. There are 4 foreign languages spoken in the show (understanding is not essential to understand the production). Flashing light effects and sometimes loud music may be used in the performance. The performance venue (it takes place on all 3 floors of the building) is not wheelchair accessible, people with reduced mobility will need assistance, we will provide seating at each station. Wheelchair users are kindly requested to consult in advance by phone.
It is strictly forbidden to use cameras, camcorders or mobile phones to record the performance. It is also forbidden to use your own sources of light, like torches, headlamps, mobile phones, etc.
Please, don’t take your pets with you.
Thank you for respecting the rules.
In České Budějovice you can find a lot of accommodation capacities – hotels, pensions or campsites.
On-site parking is not possible. There are various parking options in the city, there is indoor parking in the immediate vicinity at the Mercury Center for 20 CZK / hour.
FESTIVAL JIŽNÍ SVÉRÁZ / SOUTH SPECIFIC is a project of the Budweis European Capital of Culture 2028, of which Continuo Theatre became a partner in 2023. It combines the strength of our theatre, the South Bohemian Theatre and REZI.DANCE Komařice.